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The President shall preside at all general membership meetings of the Club and at all meetings of the Executive Board, and shall perform the duties usually assumed by presiding officer, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board from time to time. Create agenda for meetings, be in contact with director and school administrators for activities such as Homecoming, etc, periodically review & update as needed current By-Laws, place annual shirt order as well as any other spirit wear. The President will be expected to attend all Orchestra events & assist the Directors in any way possible to maintain and/or elevate/better the program. Must have served on a past Booster/PTA board as a President or a Vice President. (Time required: Heavy especially during Concerts/Performances and heavy/moderate during registration, fundraisers, spring trip preparation and End of Year banquet)

Vice President:

The Vice President is the assistant to the President in all activities. In the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Vice President shall perform other such duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Board as well as assist the Director in any way possible to maintain and/or elevate/better the program. (Time required: fair to moderate)


The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all Executive Board meetings, called meetings, and regular membership meetings, take care of the correspondence. In addition, the Secretary shall also maintain and make available at any meeting a current roster of the Boosters’ members and a current copy of the Boosters by-laws. The Secretary shall perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board as well as assist the Directors in any way possible to maintain and/or elevate/better the program. (Time required: fair; moderate during registration)


The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the financial activities of the Booster Club, receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Club, deposit all such monies in the name of the CFHS Orchestra Booster in such banks or other depositories as shall be selected by the Executive Board, and disperse those funds as needed by the Club with an accounting of receipts and disbursements, filing timely and accurate tax returns and other reports required by law, and completing a monthly financial/budget report for Board review.  Treasurer will also be responsible for managing the Clear Falls Orchestra PayPal account, setting up payment options & transfers of monies to the CFHS Orchestra Booster bank account as well as establishing draft budget for the year. File Texas Sales & Use Taxes as well as prepare the account book for the annual audit held in July. The Treasurer shall perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board as well as assist the Directors in any way possible to maintain and/or elevate/better the program. Must be proficient with Excel spreadsheets & have served as Treasurer in past Booster Club/PTA or work in accounting. (Time required: moderate; heavy during registration, fundraisers, spring trip and End of Year Banquet preparation)


Head Uniforms/Spirit Wear shall be responsible for the distribution and collection of Orchestra uniforms (tuxedos, dresses and all associated accessories) In addition, Head Uniforms/Spirit Wear will be responsible for coordinating the sizing & ordering of concert dresses/tuxedos/accessories and organization/labeling/distribution of uniforms as well as input of uniform information into CHARMS. Set up cleaning of uniforms at the end of the school year & organize them for the upcoming school year. Aid in the sales and orders for all booster club related clothing items (shirts, sandals and jackets). Head Uniforms/Spirit Wear chair shall also perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Directors. (Time required: moderate; heavy during registration and start/end of concert season)

End of Year Banquet Chair:

End of the Year Banquet Chair is shall be responsible for all the activities that pertain to our annual banquet such as event space, food, decorations, games, DJ, photography, etc. Set up voting lists for students for themes & food to be voted on in Jan/Feb. Design and create invitations that will be passed out to students in April. This is a special event for the Seniors so getting input from Senior parents would be suggested. End of the Year Banquet Chair shall perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. (Time required: fair, heavy during April & May)

Fundraising - Major Events:

Head Fundraising – Major Events shall be responsible for all the activities that pertain to Homecoming, Winter Concert, Spring Car Wash & Spring Trip. These duties include, but are not limited to, ideas, vendor contact, purchasing, scheduling and notifying all volunteer workers. Major Events shall also provide accurate records of all activities for the Treasurer Accounts. Head Fundraising – Major Events shall perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. (Time required: fair, moderate Homecoming, Winter Concert & Car Wash)

Fundraising – Minor Events:

Head Fundraising – Minor Events shall be responsible for all the activities that pertain to Spirit Nights, Concession Stands, Lunch Sales & assisting with Homecoming. Concession activities include managing the concession stand for Region & annual Theater performance and any other such Orchestra event as so directed by the Directors Lisa Batson and Brady Meyer or the Executive Board. These duties include, but are not limited to, ideas, vendor contact, scheduling and notifying all volunteer workers/students. Head Fundraising– Minor Events shall also provide accurate records of all activities for the Treasurer. Spirit Nights activities include the coordinating of dates/times, required paperwork from vendor & publicity of event. (Time required: fair; heavy during Region & Theater performance)

Webmaster & Publicity:

The Webmaster/Publicity shall be responsible for maintaining or overseeing the maintenance of the Clear Falls Orchestra web site. This includes, but is not limited to, page design, information content, calendars and graphics. This position will also be responsible for reporting Orchestra events/stories to local news outlets, as well as maintaining the photo gallery section on the web site. Aid in the program ad sales and sponsors list. The Webmaster shall also perform other such duties as prescribed by the President or the Directors. Preferably has some knowledge of website design and/or computer savvy (Time required: fair for Publicity, moderate for Webmaster)


The Photographer shall be responsible for taking pictures at events, receive in digital format pictures from others who take pictures; select the best and forward to the webmaster for posting on the website. Duties also include the maintenance & organization of Google Drive for picture storage. Prepare slide show for end of year banquet. Photography shall also perform other such duties as prescribed by the President or the Directors. (Time required: fair; moderate for Concerts & Socials)


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