2021-2022 Booster Officers
President - Lanette Cook
VP1 - Priscilla Lu-Lorente
VP2 - Lilis Colling
Treasurer - Patty Ferguson
Secretary - Ellen Snook
Booster Club Meeting:
April 26, 2022
5:15pm CFHS Orchestra Room
CFHS Orchestra Booster Club is an organization formed to provide resources, avenues of support and encouragement for the development of Clear Falls Orchestra students & Director(s). The Booster Club believes that the values of self-discipline and self-expression are enhanced for our Orchestra students through participation in music, unlike any other experience. Your Clear Falls Orchestra student’s daily hard work in class & at home can be seen on stage and in performances. They are able to make their experience with music come to life, and the heart of Orchestra music will be visible to all who attend.
Our Booster Club strives to provide support and funding for the orchestra program to include:
Awards & Student recognition
Maintain and keep inventory of Uniforms
Equipment, instrument repairs and purchasing music
Provide fundraising opportunities
Organize volunteers for Orchestra activities
Other educational projects that cannot fully be funded by the school’s music budget
Build Spirit – Social Events, Spirit wear & class group activities
Simple ways you can help your Orchestra:
Become a Booster Member
Support Orchestra Activities
Get to know the other orchestra kids and parents
Attend Booster Club Meetings