Nov. 8th
Includes: movie,popcorn,drink
Family Night
Tuesday, September 12
From 5pm-8pm
We hope everyone is having a FUNTASTIC Summer!!!
Here in the CFHS Orchestra we like to be creative, innovative & dare I say AWESOME too! We always try to come up with new exciting ideas and events to bring our Orchestra family together. This year we wanted to try out a fundraiser that not only doesn't cost anything to you but is something most of you do already......
Over the summer we drink a lot more than other times of early simply because it's unbelievably hot here in Texas. The next big holiday coming up is 4thof July. How many parties are happening? And how many drinks are going to be served? Instead of putting your empty cans in your recycle bin every week, we’re asking everyone to save all your cans for Orchestra! All we ask is to pre-crush your cans/bottles & bag them. They can be ANY kind of aluminum cans or bottles like soda cans, beer cans, aluminum bottles and lemonade can for some examples. Hopefully through our Orchestra family’s donations we can turn our trash into treasure for our students.
Below is our drop days & times for everyone to bring your cans & we will recycle them for you. If you have no way of bringing your cans to our drop of locations, please email our Booster President Stacey Kirn to set up a pick up day/time at your house.
For our League City Families (everyone on South side of Kemah Bridge):
Saturday, Aug. 5th 10a-Noon
CFHS Student Parking Lot
For our Seabrook Families:
Sunday, Aug. 6th 1p-3p
Brummerhop Park (2520 Repsdorph)“